Welcome to Tirumala Hospital

Gynaecology & Obstetrics


Best Gynaecology Doctor in Beeramguda

Gynaecology & Obstetrics

It’s quite acceptable that Women are now paying attention and care to their health. Gynaecology is dedicated to women’s health.

✔ We conduct a range of tests to help us work out why you're not feeling well and determine the right treatment for you.

✔ Our expert doctors, nurses and allied health professionals manage patients with a broad range of medical issues.


We provide comprehensive medical treatment for gynaecological problems as well as obstetric services. The Obstetricians-Gynecologists of Tirumala have an ethical duty to be advocates for women’s health care. As members of a learned profession, they have a body of knowledge to address to the immediate needs of the patients. They are obliged individually and as a profession to monitor and publicise indices of reproductive health and provide data to sensitise the public to health issues and rights of women.

Dr. J.Archana

Ms, Obstretrics & Gynaecolgist
+91 9966316068

Dr. V. Prathyusha

M.B.B.S.,M.S, (OBGY) Obstetrics & Gynaecology
+91 9966316068